
Platform for Buying and Selling Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies

In less then few minutes signup, verify and start to trade


Who are we?

It might be so many prerequisites to become a professional trader but for starting, it's enough to access a platform which is secure, simple and based on global-level standards.

ARIOMEX was founded in 2018 in Tehran to design and develop softwares and platforms for Cryptocurrency Traders.

Our goal was not just to create an exchange for trading. We aimed to design an environment to cover most of the services which are being presented in global cryptocurrency exchanges.

Our technical team designed and established Advanced Matching-Engine to provide more professional services for Iranian traders.

Our promise is the intelligent exchanging of ideas and we are obliged to proceed toward the way which Iranians deserve.

Our Services


+50 Markets

More than 50 Trading Pairs in IRT, BTC, USDT and ETH markets.



Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders


Demo Account

Free Demo Account to test your strategies and learn more about markets.


Advance UI

Advance User Interface based on worldwide standards.


Simple Market

Simple market to fast and simple asset exchange


Mobile Application

Mobile application with full services and features.


Get In Touch With Us!

Get In Touch With Us!

Tel :


Address :

No. 22, Unit 6, Anahita Dead End, Nelson Mandela Blvd, Tehran

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